hello@jeangamble.com +61 412 396 917
Deep down we all want relationships that are increasingly meaningful, nourishing and intimate. Too often though we settle for less and miss the opportunity for increasing our connection and awareness. It doesn’t take a huge effort to take it to the next level. No matter where your relationship is at – there is always opportunity to explore and bring more depth and satisfaction.
Jean will be drawing on her many years of experience and her knack of bringing lightness, humour and deep insights to this interactive program which will resonate with many.
Themes will include:
Deepening communication and making space to be together
Letting go of hurts, exploring fears and embracing intimacy
Managing reaction – staying connected with purpose
Giving space and letting go of control and right and wrong
Understanding expectations and conditions
Letting go of the “I” and surrendering to the “US”
Moving relationships to power and purpose
The program:
Is available to couples, friends and individuals who want to enjoy deepening the quality of their relationships
Pricing for individuals or couples is available
Support is offered via email or in person sessions, depending on which subscription option chosen
The course is a mix of presentations, practical exercises to do as a couple and Q & A