hello@jeangamble.com +61 412 396 917
Connective Tissue
A nurturing modality that provides fascia release on an energetic level
The connective tissue, or fascia, is a web of tissue running throughout the body and around our organs, muscles, tendons and bones and it supports and connects all these structures as a whole.
Esoteric Connective Tissue Therapy (ECTT) is a gentle, hands-on, energetic healing modality where the client lies fully clothed on a massage table. Creating small circular movements, the practitioner activates a wave, creating a resonance between the pulse of the lymphatic system and the web of connective tissue in the client. This results in true re-harmonising that works with the body’s innate rhythm and flow and brings a stillness to the physical, emotional and energetic states of being . Esoteric Connective Tissue Therapy is a non-imposing modality that works with the body’s natural rhythms.
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It is a very simple, yet as many who have experienced it will attest, powerfully effective treatment that works directly with the energy flowing through the connective tissue system, thus supporting the natural balance of the whole body.
Esoteric Connective Tissue Therapy works on this deep foundational level of the body, enabling it to address a vast array of energetic, physical and emotional conditions including common musculoskeletal ailments. It is a deeply relaxing form of healing for people of all ages and the deep relaxation within the session is conducive to stress relief and pain management.
My clinic is based in Sydney's Northern Beaches (Seaforth). Get in touch to book your appointment.